Just got back from Songs for a New World at the local rep. theatre. This is by far my favorite musical score-wise now (and has been for awhile.)
The show doesn't have a single plot line- every song is a new plot. Everyone starts out on a boat going to "a new world" and then they each tell their own story. The boat is a metaphor, so they aren't restrained to telling how they came to be on that specific boat. The stories take place all over and at all different times. In every song, though, the person singing is on a journey (most of them metaphorically) and comes to a point where they have to make a big decision in their life. There's no book- it's just one song after another.
So, the first thing to say about this production is how amazing the set and lighting design was. The set was very simple and never changed- it was a boat on one side, a set of sails on the other that shadows were projected onto to add meaning to the songs, and a bridge over the orchestra pit that led to a walk way around the pit. These were all utilized to add more meaning to the stories being told. The lighting was fantastic. This is what really held the audiences interest through the show. The lights came from behind the actors, towards the actors, above the actors, and some even on the ceiling to add effect.
The cast were all incredible singers and carried the show well. According to some people I was with, it was dificult to understand some of the lyrics because of loud music, but I couldn't tell because I knew the songs so well.
It was an amazing night out with some buds. Great show.
Now the sad news- Philip is leaving me. D: He's going off to college and leaving me all alone to freak out about Tony nominations where no one else even knows what they are. Thanks, Philip.
Well, I guess till later,
14 years ago
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